Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Impressive! Meynaa English teachers applying what they learned in the professional development workshops...

Today I made a series of unannounced classroom observations of the expat English teachers who'd gone through a series of professional development workshops with me.

I was very impressed with the number of instructional strategies, each of the teachers had already incorporated into their lessons:  "Starter Activities" written on the board, a Learning Objective also written on the board, use of vocabulary review activities, a timer to pace the lesson, structuring reading comprehension through numbering paragraphs and underlining key words, diagnostic assessments, checking for understanding, explicit directions, use of graphic organizers for pre-writing actitivies.

I'm proud of each of the four teachers I observed today. I congratulate each of them for stepping out of their comfort zone and being so willing to try some new instructional techniques.

Changes is often not easy for any of us to make, but all of these teachers have taken the first steps to bring new changes to their instructional practices.

I'm impressed!

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